(Status of searches as at April 30, 2019)
The association of the Friends of Daniel-Lesueur offers you this complete bibliography of the works of Mrs. Daniel-Lesueur. A good twenty books are now accessible online thanks to the work of a member; others will be later. Many are not even available in the major libraries of France and the world (including BnF, libraries of North American universities, national libraries of Europe or South America, etc.).
The Association has assembled a complete library of French works by Daniel-Lesueur.
Currently, the links allow you to access French epub and pdf versions of the original works.
These works, originally written in French, were the subject in the author’s own lifetime, or between the Two Wars, of translations in about fifteen different foreign languages. Perhaps one day, we will be able to make them accessible…
We wish you a good discovery of a work so vast and a good reading!
The literary work of a talented writer
- Novels – translations, cinematographic adaptations
- Poems – some read on radio, some giving rise to musical scores
- Translation
- Other works – Plays, socio economic essay, press articles, conferences…
The philanthropic work of a woman of action and heart
Works of the first order :
- Le Denier des veuves de la SGDL
- L’Aide aux femmes des combattants
- La Croisade des femmes françaises
- Un Foyer de soldats sur le front
Decorations (civil and military)
The six prizes of the French Academy