A voice dedicated to her country

She was proud of being French and was active within the Third Republic context.

During the First World War she showed a overwhelming energy, sometimes beyond her own strength – and up to exhaustion. She took the lead not only with her writings in press (articles, poems for specific circumstances) and conferences, but also by her commitment in charities (foundation in August 1914 of the Aide aux Femmes de Combattants she was chairing across all the war, involvement in the foundation in 1915 of the Croisade des Femmes Françaises she chaired from 1916, commitment in the foundation and the animation of the Foyer du Soldat at the battle front).

She was impressed by the genius of Gallieni during the battle of l’Ourcq, and supported continuously with her husband the memory of the general until he was granted his marshal title posthumously in March 1921.

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