
You will find here information relative to the activities of our association and to the projects regarding Daniel-Lesueur. Of course, all your suggestions are welcome and will be published (see details within dedicated French section for members):


Sending to the members of the Volume IV- Chronicles published in La Fronde (1897-1901) from the Unpublished Works Collection (364 p.).
The following volumes will appear afterwards (volume V-Other articles in peacetime, volume VI-Articles in wartime, volume VII-Conferences, volume IX-Daniel-Lesueur seen by her contemporaries, in 3 volumes).
All volumes of Unpublished Works will be accessible in the section reserved for members.



The members had been convened on February 26, 2023 for their annual meeting, on the usual agenda; moral report presented by the President (new street signs, publication of the collaborative book under the direction of Mrs. Diana Holmes and Martine Reid, progressive publication of the collection of Unpublished Works by Daniel-Lesueur, etc.), financial report, presented by the Treasurer, evolution of the website, renewal of the fifteen euros fee. The Assembly has given full and final discharge to the Association Board.
Diana Holmes gave a very interesting lecture which was greatly applauded by the audience, on the theme: “L’équipe étincelante”: Daniel Lesueur and her colleagues in the Belle Epoque.
Minutes and conference are available in the section reserved for members.



Sending to members of Volume III – Literary Critics (382 p.) of the Collection des Unpublished Works.


A collective and unprecedent work on Daniel-Lesueur, which replaces the international symposium scheduled for January 2021 for the centenary of the death of Daniel-Lesueur and canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, has been published by Honoré Champion under the direction of two Professors, Diana Holmes (Leeds) and Martine Reid (Lille), untitled: “Introduction à l’œuvre de Daniel-Lesueur. Conscience féminine, élève la voix !”.


Sending to members of Volume II – Poems (169 p.) of the Collection of Unpublished Works


Sending to members of Volume I – Tales and News (274 p.) of the Collection of Unpublished Works

  • December 30, 2022: NEW STREET SIGNS

New street signs have been installed; they specify under the title of “avenue Daniel Lesueur”, her family name, her position of writer and her dates of birth and death.
However, they do not take into account the decision taken by the woman of letters to write her pseudonym with a hyphen (Le Gil Blas, 2/22/1912) and forget that the first street signs (installed in July 1913, therefore during her lifetime) bore the inscription “Avenue Daniel-Lesueur” (with a hyphen).



Members have received the first available volume of the Collection of Unpublished works: Volume VIII – Interviews and inquiries (280 p.).


Members had been convened on March 31, 2022 for their annual meeting. The moral report presented by the president, the financial report presented by the treasurer, Pierre Guérin, a summary of the evolution of the website presented by Alexis Janicot were adopted unanimously. Mr. Laurent Robert and Mr. Alain Janicot, outgoing members, were re-elected for three years. The Assembly renewed the basic fee at fifteen euros and gave full and final discharge to the Board for its management.

Mrs Martine Reid, Professor at the University of Lille who coordinated with Diana Holmes (University of Leeds, G-B) the work to be published by Éditions Honoré Champion entitled: “Introduction à l’œuvre de Daniel-Lesueur. Conscience féminine, élève la voix !” recalled that “this book is only a first step in the necessary rediscovery of a great woman and a great work, with a feminist bias that should ensure great interest”.


  • March 30th 2021: General meeting

The members of the association received their convocations on March 1, 2021 for the annual meeting, with all the documents for their proper information, in particular the moral report prepared by the President, the financial report of the Treasurer, the summary note concerning the website. The members voted unanimously on the various resolutions and gave their full and final discharge to the Board for its management. Ms. Laurence Frabolot and Mr. Alexis Janicot, outgoing members, were re-elected for three years. The meeting renewed the basic membership fee, keeping it at fifteen euros.


  • December 2020

Confinement has made it possible to go forward on the project of a collection of Daniel Lesueur’s unpublished works. This collection consists as of now of the following items (with varying size, from 100 to 1000 pages):
A – Tales and short stories
B – Poetry
C – Literary reviews
D – Chronicles published in La Fronde
E – Other articles from peacetime
F – Other articles in war time
G – Lectures
H – Surveys and interviews
I – Daniel Lesueur seen by her contemporaries.

Interested members can write to us at contact@daniel-lesueur.com


  • November 2020

The international colloquium dedicated to Daniel-Lesueur scheduled at La Sorbonne on 21 and 22 January 2021 and organized at the initiative of Diana Holmes and Martine Reid is cancelled due to the current evolution of the Pandemic in Europe and North America; it is contemplated to collect the scheduled interventions into a book dedicated to Daniel-Lesueur’s work.


  • March, 23th 2020 : a New Article On Daniel-Lesueur

The association publishes under the cosignature of Laurence Frabolot and Alain Janicot an article on Daniel-Lesueur (Jeanne Loiseau called Daniel-Lesueur: the rediscovery of a literary glory) in the scientific journal of AFFDU (French Association of Women University graduates); see number 270-271 entitled Les Pionnières (la Route de la soie éditions).


  • March, 7th 2020 : General Meeting Of The Association

The members voted unanimously on the various resolutions: moral report presented by the president; financial report presented by the treasurer; a point is made on the current website (which is again experiencing an increase in the number of visits, a geographic diversification of the visitors’ origin, and downloads); re-election of Mr. Pierre Guérin, outgoing member. The Assembly renewed the basic entrance fee at fifteen euros.

Ms. Martine Reid mentioned the international symposium planned in Sorbonne for the centenary of the death of Mrs. Daniel-Lesueur. For the Association which has undertaken to revive the memory of this woman, it will be a great moment, and we can only rejoice in the organization of such an event: « The symposium aims at questionning this great work, though forgotten, under different point of views: poetic, narrative, ideological, sociological, editorial. It aims at giving an account of what characterizes and underpins this work : a singular feminist thought with novels as a basis, but also vivid in newspapers, reports and plays ». See: https://lpcm.hypotheses.org/14470

The president’s speech on “The Feminism of Daniel-Lesueur, through her life and her works” made it possible to present a new aspect of this female writer through novels and plays, socio-economic essay on the work of women supported at the Trade and Industry Congress at the 1900 World’s Fair, articles in the press and conferences; she also opened doors for her sisters and acted for women in difficulty on several occasions; discussions between the audience and the speaker closed the morning.

Minutes and conference details have been sent to the members.


  • February, 8th 2020 : Nietzschéenne, again

During an event devoted to « Female Literary Theory at the ‘Belle Epoque’ » held at the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III), Alexandra Rivard (doctoral student at the University of Chicoutimi, Quebec) spoke about the novel Nietzschéenne (Theory at the service of Subversion).


  • January 25th, 2020 : convocation of the members to the March, 7th General Meeting

The meeting will vote and decide on the moral report, the financial report, the evolution of the website, the re-election of outgoing members, the renewal of the basic subscription at 15 euros and will discuss the projects for 2020-2021.

After the meeting, Alain Janicot, president of the Association, will give a presentation on “The feminism of Daniel-Lesueur in her life and her works”.


  • November 7, 2019: Poetic And Musical Show

The show entitled “Octave, au creux de l’oreille…” is a free adaptation of the Daniel-Lesueur’s novel Un mystérieux amour published in 1896, with Octave as the hero. This novel has the particularity to gather in its second part a set of letters written in verse, including philosophical sonnets highly appreciated by Sully-Prudhomme. The show also included several poems from the second collection of poetry Rêves et Visions, awarded by the Académie Française (Archon-Despérouses price in November 1890).

The trio of young artists performed with authority and talent at the CRR93 auditorium in Aubervilliers: Laura Hatchadourian (actress), Sébastien Grégoire (oboe, musical creation), Aurélien Gocel (piano).

Our association Les Amis de Daniel-Lesueur is enthusiastic about this initiative aiming at reviving timeless writings with a contemporary creation.


  • August 9, 2019: a novel in Slovenian

Ravel Kodrič, a Luxembourg based friend of Daniel-Lesueur, has written to inform us that the novel Passion slave had been published on serial in the Slovenian daily newspaper Edinost (Trieste) during First World War, from November 28, 1917.
You can find here the link: www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-AJV452HG.

Passion slave, published in French in June 1892, had been previously published in “L’Illustration” in the first quarter of 1892; then it was re-edited in Paris in 1906 and 1909. We already knew that the novel had been translated into 4 foreign languages: German in 1901, Czech (with 3 editions: 1902, 1909 and 1921), Danish (1909) and Italian (1911). A fifth foreign language shall therefore be added to the list from now on.

Slovenian is the sixteenth foreign language in which a Daniel-Lesueur novel has been translated.

For the record, a conference had been given by our friend Laurent Robert during the General Assembly of March 10, 2018 on the topic: “Daniel-Lesueur’s Passion Slave: between Romance and Anarchism”.


  • Spring 2019 : News about Daniel-Lesueur

  • Restoration planned in Summer 2019 of the stele of Jean Boucher in tribute to Daniel-Lesueur in the Plant Garden of Montauban (see below the review Rendez-vous
    Montauban, April / September 2019, page 4):
    Rendez-vous Montauban, avril/septembre 2019


  • 2019, march 16th : General Meeting

The members voted unanimously on the various resolutions: moral report presented by the president; financial report presented by the treasurer; a focus is made on the current website
(which is still experiencing a new increase in the number of visits); re-election of outgoing members: MM. Laurent Robert and Alain Janicot. Complements will be brought to the
Association’s website. Initiatives for the centenary of the death of Daniel-Lesueur are mentioned; groups are set up to think about the different projects. The Assembly renewed
the basic membership fee at fifteen euros.

The lecture on “some important moments in Daniel-Lesueur’s life” brought a better understanding of the woman of action and her much-needed energy in the batlles she fought; exchanges between the audience and the speaker closed the morning.

Minutes end lecture content are sent to members.


  • March, 26th 2018

Thanks to the intervention of the Association, the BNF has corrected its general catalog by systematically listing the name of Daniel-Lesueur with its real dates: 1854-1921.



Members voted unanimously on the various resolutions: moral report presented by the president; financial report presented by the treasurer; an update was made on the current website, renovated and multilingual (and still experiencing a large increase in the number of visits); re-election of the outgoing members: Mrs. Laurence Frabolot and Mr. Alexis Janicot; membership to the Comité d’aménagement et d’urbanisme of the 7th district. The general meeting increased the membership fee to fifteen euros.
After the Assembly, a lecture was given by Mr. Laurent Robert on the theme “Passion Slave of Daniel-Lesueur: Between Romance and Anarchism”, which allowed for constructive exchanges between lecturer and audience.


  • FEBRUARY 2018

Invitation of members to the 10 March General Meeting.


  • OCTOBER 2017

Mr. Sylvain Gillot, member of the Association, proposes to make available to the public different versions of Daniel-Lesueur’s novels (text, pdf or epub mode).


  • JULY 2017: website update

The website of the Association has been updated and includes both English and Spanish versions; an area is reserved for members.


  • June 2017

Our friend Laurent Robert has published an article about Daniel-Lesueur in the collective book “La Littérature en bas-bleus” (Volume III) (Classiques Garnier).


  • May 2017

A 6-page article about Daniel-Lesueur (maiden name Jeanne Loiseau) was published in a new magazine, “Le nouveau millénaire, revue musicale, littéraire et jeune”. It is possible to order this magazine on the website: http://editions-nm.com.

In addition, the June issue features an article on another woman of letters, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore.


  • Annual general meeting (Paris, March 25th 2017)

The meeting was convened by the Bureau on 1 February 2017. Following the presentation of the items on the agenda and discussions, the members approved unanimously the various resolutions: the moral report presented by the Chairman; the Financial report submitted by the Treasurer; A focus is made on the current website (which is experiencing a large increase in the number of visits); the Re-election of Pierre Guérin as Treasurer (for 3 years). The creation of a library is carried out (see photo at the top of the site); The development of the website was discussed and adopted by the meeting; The other projects (street sign to be discussed with the Town Hall, statue and event related to the hundredth anniversary of the death of Daniel-Lesueur) are mentioned; The Bureau called for goodwill to work on these various projects (see the Members section). The meeting renewed the basic fee of ten euros, but the Bureau called once again for generosity. A lecture was given by Mr. Laurent Robert on the theme “Daniel-Lesueur and poetry: for a philosophical Parnassus”, which met again a great success. A summary of this conference is available in the Members area. A signing session of the last book of M. Robert “Guerres” closed the session.


  • Decembre 2016 : first English version of the Internet website


  • Annual general meeting (Paris, March 12th 2016)

The Annual Meeting was held on Saturday, March 12, 2016; The main decisions (voted unanimously) concerned the adoption of the moral report presented by the President, the adoption of the financial report presented by the Treasurer, the re-election of the President for 3 years, the election for 3 years of Mr. Robert (for his academic skills) and for 2 years of Alexis Janicot (for the website); The basic contribution of TEN euros has been renewed. The projects of the Association are an English version of the website and a library. A conference was held on the theme: “Nietzschean, by Daniel Lesueur: From the Dream of the Writer to the Action of an Over-committed Woman”. Mr. Laurent Robert presented the novel while Alain Janicot quickly evoked the life and the numerous philanthropic activities of the literary woman during the First World War. A summary of these interventions is available in the part dedicated to the members.


  • Communication on Daniel-Lesueur at the George Sand international conference (Verone)

Sir Laurent ROBERT, Doctor of Letters of the University of Liège, and member of the association, made a communication on “From La Ville Noire to Nietzschéenne: the social utopia for George Sand and Daniel-Lesueur” in July at the conference “George Sand and her sisters: the female artist and intellectual in the 19th Century”. This twentieth George Sand international conference was held at the Università degli Studi di Verona from June, 29th to July, 1st 2015 and supported by the American George Sand Association.


  • April 2015: launching of our website


  • January, 11th 2015: founding meeting of the Amis de Daniel-Lesueur

Around thirty people gathered to create the cultural association in a room of the François Coppée brasserie in Paris.


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