Place of memories (1) – Paris

Daniel-Lesueur lived in several places in Paris. First in the Rue de Turin (ninth arrondissement of Paris) at her mother’s house in the years 1870-1880, then at the 24, rue des Dames (seventeenth arrondissement) around 1882-1890; when her daughter was born she lived with Gustave Hubbard at the 135, rue Michel-Ange (sixteenth arrondissement); Then she moved to the Rue de Rome (75017), from 1885 to 1903, first at the 121 and then at the 91 (where a sign indicates that she stayed there).

Thanks to revenues coming from all her successful publications, she bought a domain in Parmain (district of Val d’Oise) that she called “La Valcorie”. After their wedding Daniel-Lesueur and Henry Lapauze lived at 17, Aumale Street between 1904 and 1906, and after in the Petit Palais when her husband became curator in chief (1906-1925).

Paris XVII° - 91 rue de Rome (1885-1903)
Paris IX° - 17 rue d'Aumale (1903-1905)

Left : 91 Rome Street. Right : 17 Aumale Street.

Avenue Daniel-Lesueur

Paris VIII° - Le Petit Palais (1905-1921)



Left : Daniel-Lesueur Avenue (Paris) © Studio B. Petit. Right : the Petit Palais.


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