Born on March, 6th 1854 in the Batignolles (a suburb absorbed within Paris municipality in 1860), she spent her childhood and adolescence in Paris and England. The death of her father and the resulting financial difficulties for her family was a painful experience for her. She gave up her studies after bachelor, but was nevertheless fully fluent in English and continued to learn through the reading of French and Anglo-Saxon writers (novelists and poets like Victor Hugo, Musset, and the Parnassians). She was reader for August Cuvillier-Fleury, member of the Académie Française, and independant teacher with young girls from wealthy families.
She has a natural girl with her life companion Gustave Hubbard (future freethinker MP, anticlerical, and warm advocate of separation between Church and State). Marie-Gabrielle Hubbard, the baby, is immediately recognized by her father, and one year later by her mother. But Jeanne Loiseau still refused to be engaged… This girl, born in 1882, will marry Jules Charlot, a future colonel, in 1900.
She married in January 1904 Henry Lapauze (1867-1925). Born as Charles Lapause, he was a talented art critic, a journalist and an influent person. He was curator of the Petit-Palais in 1906, specialist of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and founder of 2 reference magazines (La Renaissance politique, artistique et littéraire and La Renaissance des arts et des Industries du luxe). He was awarded the Légion d’Honneur as Commander in 1924. Henry Lapauze had a girl from his first wedding, Daria Lapause (wife of Mr Guarnati).